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DaytonaLAN News

Still here...
Posted by LqdEngineer on Saturday, October 1, 2016 @ 10:24:07 PM
This site is mainly here for the nostalgia factor, as I type this (in late 2016) it's been probably 10 years since DaytonaLAN had any official activity. The ubiquitious access to broadband we have these days diminishes the value of LAN gaming, but if anyone happens to have interest in doing an event at some point, know that I'm still here, as are a lot of the old faces. I've contemplated doing an event, and doing it right (i.e. reserving a hotel / conference center for a weekend, setting up a pub crawl, etc). The time, effort, and cost necessary to pull such a thing off is, unfortunately, more than I can support on my own. If you're interested in helping make something like this become reality, feel free to drop me an e-mail or connect on Facebook.

We're back..!
Posted by LqdEngineer on Wednesday, January 4, 2006 @ 5:35:31 PM
That's right, after a year or two in mothballs, DaytonaLAN is back and better than ever.  My goal for 2006 is to have a sponsored LAN with contests and prizes every month!  This will be a great year for all the gamers in Central Florida.  But I need your help.  I've learned from my past mistakes and have realized that coordinating such a massive schedule is too much work for one man.  That's why I need one or two volunteers who can dedicate some time to helping me run DaytonaLAN.  You don't need to have any special skills, but you must be reliable and willing to donate a couple hours of your time each and every week!  Please e-mail me if you're interested in helping out.

I've added a Paypal donation link on the left side of the page.  If you're looking forward to some great LAN action in 2006, please take a moment and contribute whatever you can afford now.  Prizes, venue rentals, etc. all cost money.  Whether it's $2.00 or $20.00, every little bit helps us out..  I'm also interested in any old computer hardware you might have laying around (hubs, old PCs, etc.)  If you've got any of this type of stuff that you don't particularly need anymore, let me know and I'll come pick it up.

Thanks for your continued support and see you at the next LAN!
